On the occasion of the ‘Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav’ planned in Ponda, Goa between 24th and 30th June 2024

Hindu Rashtra Convention – A symposium that transformed the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ into a mass movement !

Introduction : Shriram Lalla finally returned to His birthplace in January 2024 at the grand Shriram Temple in Ayodhya after a centuries-long struggle. The Ram Rajya was established on the entire Earth when Shriram became the King of Ayodhya. With the establishment of a grand Shriram Temple in Ayodhya, millions of Hindus now want the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. Not long ago speaking about the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ was a crime. However, the times have changed, and as a consequence, the topic of the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ gets fervently discussed at the national and international forums.

The Hindu Dharma says that any event takes place in the subtle dimension before it manifests in the gross world. Sage Valmiki composed Ramayana before it actually took place. The construction of the Shriram Temple in Ayodhya is also a precursor (in the subtle dimension) to Ram Rajya or the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. We hope that Hindus transcend the barriers in the form of caste, creed and political affiliation for the cause of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ the way they transcended these obstacles for the struggle for Shriram Temple. We pray for the ultimate success of this mass movement for the ‘Hindu Rashtra’.

The concept of the ‘Hindu Rashtra’- The ‘Hindu Rashtra’ is not a political concept, but an idea rooted in Dharma. It is not limited to just replacing the word ‘secular’ with ‘Hindu Rashtra’. The ‘Hindu Rashtra’ denotes an ideal form of governance. The Ram Rajya has already set the standard for the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. Even after thousands of years, people still remember the Ram Rajya, since it was based on Dharma. Therefore, the subjects in the Ram Rajya were civilised, happy and content. In addition, Ram Rajya did not have any form of corruption, disease, or natural calamity. In the ‘Yuddhakand’ of Ramayan, Sage Valmiki says that no one ever cried for anything during the rule of Shriram.

For the past 11 years during the ‘Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Rashtra Abhiveshan’, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has been promoting this concept of ‘Hindu Rashtra’, which is based on Dharma and considers Ram Rajya as a model. Don’t make the mistake of considering that the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ will be for Hindus only; it will be a Nation of all sattvik (Spiritually pure) people who will work towards the welfare of everyone in the world.

Why the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ ? – The present-day secular administration oppresses Hindus and appeases minority communities. The secular administration imposes Government control over Hindu temples, and the temple funds and wealth which belong to Hindu Deities get utilised for projects benefitting minority communities; sadly, the opposite is not true. The places of worship of non-Hindu communities continue to remain private and enjoy special privileges. Under this secular administration, raising awareness about the Nation, Dharma, and Deities amounts to ‘hate speech’.

On the other hand, the secular administration does not punish those who equate Hindu Dharma with Dengue, Malaria and Leprosy and calls for the elimination of Hindu Dharma. Such a biased administration makes provisions to establish educational institutions for minorities with generous Government grants, but it does not offer the same facility to Hindus who are over 100 crore. So-called intellectuals, who vehemently oppose the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), conveniently remain silent on the issue of thousands of Rohingya and Bangladeshi intruders.

Today, Hindus get selectively killed by religious fanatics, and the administration remains a mere spectator. Recently, a religious fanatic slit the throat of two minor Hindu girls in Uttar Pradesh. While the entire Nation protested this ghastly act, the culprit got killed in the Police encounter. His funeral was attended by more than 30,000 members of his community. This is a warning bell for the internal security of our Nation.

Threats such as ‘Love Jihad’, ‘Halal Jihad’, and ‘Land Jihad’ loom large. They aim to weaken and ultimately eliminate the Hindu Dharma. Recently, Maulana Tauqeer Raza Khan, the Chief of the Ittihad-e-Millat Council, publicly threatened, “If Muslim youth go out of control, no one can save India from civil war”. Darul Uloom Deoband, an Islamic education centre in Saharanpur, UP, issued a fatwa advocating ‘Ghazwa-e-Hind’, which roughly translates as a religious war to spread Islam across the length and breadth of Hindu majority Bharat. All these incidents highlight the failure of secular administration and the dire need to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. The ‘Hindu Rashtra’ is the only remedy for unabated attacks taking place on Hindu Dharma and Bharat. The ‘Hindu Rashtra’ will end the present-day anarchy like the Hindavi Swarajya eliminated the menace of Islamic invasion in the 17th Century.

All India Hindu Rashtra Conventions : The success story – These Conventions have played a significant role in promoting the concept of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ and advocating the interests of Hindus within the political system. One notable outcome of these Conventions has been their influence on shaping policies such as the CAA. From the outset, these Conventions have consistently advocated granting of Indian citizenship to Hindu refugees, and this objective has been reflected in unanimous resolutions passed during the Conventions. The invitation by the Union Government to the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti in the drafting process of the CAA highlights the impact of these Conventions in shaping national policies.

The Conventions against threats such as ‘Love Jihad’ and ‘Halal Jihad’ have yielded tangible results, with several States passing laws to address these issues. States like Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, and Karnataka have enacted laws against ‘Love Jihad’, while Uttar Pradesh has banned Halal products. Additionally, the Union Government has taken steps to remove the mandatory requirement of Halal certification for meat producers and exporters through amendments to the rules of APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority).

Likewise, the Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad, formed during the Conventions, has been actively working to address corruption in Government-administered temples and protect the interests of Hindus. Through their efforts, more than 1,000 temples have implemented dress codes, and in Karnataka, the Government was compelled to reverse its decision to levy tax on temples. These actions demonstrate the impact of the Conventions in addressing issues related to temple culture and Hindu interests.

The ‘Hindu Rashtra’ Convention has been instrumental in mobilising officials and activists of devout Hindus and patriotic organisations, domestically as well as internationally, to accelerate the process of establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. Through these Conventions, more than 1,000 devout Hindu organisations have united for the cause of the ‘Hindu Rashtra’, over 1,800 awareness campaigns have been conducted, more than 2,000 lectures have been organised, and more than 200 ‘Hindu Rashtra’ Conventions have been organised at the provincial level. The Conventions serve as a platform to take the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ movement to the people. Today, Global Hindu Conventions and spiritual festivals are being held. This concerted effort has led to the propagation of the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ ideology at the constitutional and operational levels. With the blessings of Saints and the grace of God, the Convention has been successful in its mission, embodying the Marathi adage – ‘The strength lies within the movement, yet the presence of God is necessary’.

2024 All India Hindu Rashtra Convention – This year’s ‘Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav’ (also known as ‘The Twelfth Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan’), will take place between 24th June and 30th June in Ponda, Goa. The Convention will focus on various aspects including the ideological protection of Sanatan Dharma, measures to protect Hindu society, constitutional efforts for establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’, the protection of temple culture, and efforts to safeguard Hindu Dharma at the global level.

Distinguished speakers at this year’s Convention include Sadguru (Dr) Charudatta Pingale (National Guide of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti), Mr Arjun Sampath (President of the Hindu Makkal Katchi, Tamil Nadu), Mr T Raja Singh (Staunch Hindu and BJP MLA), and Advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain (practicing in the Supreme Court), who is fighting the legal battle for the liberation of the Kashi-Mathura Temples.

The Convention will be streamed Online from the official website of the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti – www.hindujagruti.org. Since ‘Hindu Rashtra’ is seen as the guarantee of a happy, content, and secure life, we encourage everyone to participate in this movement.

– Mr Ramesh Shinde (National Spokesperson, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Contact No. : 9987966666)