Tata Autocomp Systems and Inner Wheel Club of Khadki – Jointly organizes a 7-day Free Artificial Limb Fitment Camp in Pune

Tata AutoComp Systems, India’s leading automotive components conglomerate, as a part of its CSR initiative, launched an artificial limb fitment camp today in Pune. This camp will benefit over 400+ differently abled individuals from Pune and neighboring towns.

The week-long activity, jointly organized by Tata AutoComp Systems Ltd and Inner wheel club of Khadki, District, 313 in association with the BMVSS (Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti) Indore Centre, will empower and transform the lives of the differently abled individuals with mobility challenges.

In a bid to transform lives and empower individuals with mobility challenges, the Inner wheel Club of Khadki and Tata AutoComp Systems Ltd are jointly organizing a seven-day Camp of Prosthetics Donation and artificial limb fitment camp in Pune. The camp will run from 24th to 29th September 2024 and aims to provide artificial limbs and other aids to more than 400 beneficiaries.

The camp will provide free-of-charge fitting and distribution of artificial limbs, calipers, crutches, and other assistive devices.
Mr. Arvind Goel, Chairman, Tata AutoComp Systems Ltd, Mr. Arihant Mehta, President pinnacle industries and Ms. Ritika Mehta, Director Pinnacle industries and Dr. Suniti Goel, President –Inner wheel Club of Khadki, District 313, were present for the inauguration ceremony.

Addressing the event, Mr. Arvind Goel, Chairman, Tata AutoComp Systems Ltd, stated, “Giving back to the society is in the DNA of our group company. The artificial limb fitment program is a CSR initiative focused on our livelihood support program.

Our organization is committed to expanding this initiative, reaching a broader population to provide meaningful support. Our goal is to ensure that every individual we touch is empowered to live with dignity and independence, enhancing their quality of life and their ability to thrive in society”.

The inauguration ceremony witnessed scores of beneficiaries from various parts of the city seeking the right fitment of their choice. Each person present was provided with high-quality, customized artificial limbs, designed to enable maximum mobility and comfort.

Dr. Suniti Goel, President Innerwheel Club of Khadki, District 313 stated, “The initiative is designed to serve people from economically weaker sections of society, providing them with life-changing assistance at no cost. While these tools help you move forward, true strength comes from within. With willpower and the right support, anything is possible.”

The camp is also supported by the Shrimant Dagdusheth Halwai Sarvajanik Ganapati Trust and Suvarnayug Tarun Mandal, two esteemed Pune-based organizations known for their community outreach and welfare programs.

Expert technicians and volunteers at the camp will ensure the prosthetics are fitted with precision and care, providing post-fitment and personalized care. The high-quality artificial limbs will help restore the mobility of beneficiaries and improve their quality of life.

The free artificial limb fitment camp which is open to all, will run from 24th to 29th September 2024, and beneficiaries are encouraged to register at the camp venue- Dagdusheth Ganpati Decoration Section, opposite to Sarasbaug, Pune- 411030 for assistance.

For more information and to register for the camp, please contact us at 8120009955 or 8805008614.